Min mission er at hjælpe outdoor-, interiør- og møbelproducenter til øget salg og autentisk markedsføring i ind- og udlandKAAS Outdoor Living
International sales agent and mentor driven by business development
Hos vores forhandlerteam bidrager jeg som aktiv business- og sparringspartner, med fælles salgssucces for øje. På mit hold handler salg om, at flere føler sig beriget.
KAAS Outdoor Living is also a consultant company with focus on business development for companies. Lectures, mentoring, boardwork or workshops, I create a solution which exactly meets the needs of the individual company.
Gode tal på bundlinjen
A cooperation with KAAS Outdoor Living, means 360 degrees mentoring and development – and last but certainly not least – A positive bottom line.
KAAS Outdoor Living rests on fundamental values like honesty “what you see is what you get”, mutual respect and open communication.
The outdoor living room is my passion
Det er der, jeg selv finder ro, der hvor jeg får mig en mental pause og føler mig fri. Det er min kreative legeplads, hvor jeg opholder mig mest muligt hele året
Via social media and in my blog, I share inspiration from our own outdoor living rooms to the many followers in my @kaasoutdoorliving profiles. I simply cannot help sharing what makes me happy every single day.
Verden har brug for kvalitet og funktionalitet, skabt af bedre og holdbare materialer. Jeg ønsker at bidrage og inspirere til at skabe disse uderum og omgivelser, som passer præcis til de mennesker som skal bo i dem og som passer til det liv de lever. Derved kan uderummet blive et sundt bidrag til og en del af menneskets hverdagslykke.
KAAS Outdoor Living is an agent for Danish A2 Living in Germany, I have been since 2016.
Solid sales experience
My competences are created from a combination of theoretical and practical experience
KAAS Outdoor Living was founded in May 2013 and represents leading brands within Interior and furniture for the outdoor living room – Scandinavia and Germany are the markets I am active in.
My professional background is based on an education as an Academic economist in international export and communication.
My career path has taken me past logistics, purchasing, marketing and sales – and it’s the fundament for KAAS Outdoor Living´s 360 degree approach to solving tasks.
My passion in the outdoor living room became real serious when I was employed at a Danish agency company within the tile and natural stone business. Within this time I worked with some real talented architects, garden designers and landscape designers and they inspired me a lot.